Mrs. Ernsting
Poison Dart Frog Adaptations
WRITTEN BY Lara Ernsting ON February 11, 2015

We have been reading about Poison Dart Frogs.  They have many adaptations that help them survive.  What adaptations does a Poison Dart Frog have in regards to its life cycle, that help it to survive?


jayden A grown up frog carries the tadpoles to a pineapple because then need to be alive.
Cecilia The adaptations of a Poison Dart Frog survive are,1.being small.2.Its poisonous.3.Laying its eggs in a puddle of water in a bromeliad.
Zoeyl they lay eggs in bromeliads and they give there babys piggy back rides Hi Mrs.Ernsting
simeon The adaptations that help the Poison Dart Frogs are that they are poisonous. And they can also clime from pretatiters. They can get away from pretatiters by jumping away really quickly.
destiny The adaptations that helps a poison dart frog survive are being able to swim away and being able to do piggy back rides.
Dominic In regards to its life cycle it has poison to keep animals and humans from touching or trying to hurt or kill it.
Mattew The adaptations that help the poison dart frog survive are,they carry their tadpoles on their back. The poison dart frog lays 5 to 40 eggs. They lay their eggs in a bromeliad.
PAIGE In regards to the frogs life cycle here are some of the adaptations, when the frog hatches the adult frog brings the tadpole to the the water in a bromeliad. Another adaptation is the adult frog watches over the egg.
Ian in regards to a poison dart frog life cycle a tadpoles special adaption is the tadpoles mother brings her tadpoles to a pineapple top with water in it which is a behavioral adaption and the mother can lay up to 5-40 eggs then the mother takes them to a water pool and it takes 2 weeks to hatch then when they are a small frog they hop away
skylerd The poison dart frog adaptations are they bring tadpoles to little poles of watter and they some times they feed them and they go into the rainforest and they protect them from preditors that want to eat them.
Abbey In regards to its life cycle a adaptation is that when it hatches its mom takes it to a pineapple inside the bromeliad small pools of water form where leaves come together. The parents watch over the tadpoles
Landon They give there tadpoles piggy back ride
jesse The special adaptation is they give their young piggyback rides or lay eggs in a pineapple top.

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